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Research Progress

CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence for Climate and Environment Sciences has released data on the distribution of global sand fluxes to serve Belt and Road countries

Dr. Chenglai Wu released data on the distribution of global sand and dust fluxes, which provides simulations of global sand and dust emission fluxes, sediment fluxes, loads, and optical depths from September 1998 to August 2010 by two Earth system models (CAS-ESM2,) and community earth system model (CESM2), as well as statistics on the characteristics of dust events at China weather and weather stations. 
Sand and dust are important factors influencing climate change. Sand dust aerosols affect the Earth's radiation balance and energy balance by absorbing and scattering solar radiation and long-wave radiation, thereby affecting climate change. On the other hand, human activities such as climate change, land use, desertification, and urbanization may all contribute to changes in the aerosols of mineral sand dust in the atmosphere. Sand dust aerosols play a very important role in climate and environmental change at the global and regional scales. The release of this dataset provides important data support for environmental governance in countries along the Belt and Road, especially in arid and semi-arid areas, and to address climate change.

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