In the boreal summer and autumn of 2023, the globe experienced an extremely hot period across both oceans and continents. The consecutive record-breaking mean surface temperature has caused many to speculate upon how the global temperature will evolve in th...
Although the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is confined to sea-air interactions in the tropical Pacific, it can impact the global climate system by releasing considerable heat into the atmosphere and changing atmospheric circulation. Compared with wea...
In the summer of 2022, scientists predicted that a "triple-dip" La Nina—three years in a row of La Nina conditions—is very likely to occur during the winter of 2022. During La Nina winters, Eurasia often experiences colder conditions. So a team of researc...
Dust storms can be miles long and thousands of feet high. Some call it "disaster" because it has many environmental consequences including severe air pollution, land degradation, and damage to crop and livestock. Not many people are aware that dust entraine...